The latest news from Garrards are listed below:


Variation to Global Harmonised System introduction on 1st January 2017


Envu is pleased to announce some welcome label extensions to Aqua K-Othrine.

In addition to its Mosquito and Fly claims, Aqua K-Othrine can now be used to target  

Stored product pests


American and German cockroaches

There are many ant species that are pests and, thankfully, we have a range of options to treat them. 
The first part of any treatment must be an inspection including identification of the ant species present, checking areas of activity and locating moisture sources.  The choice of treatment should be assessed taking into account the species, where they are, the impact they are having and the expectation of the customer. 

From September 1st 2014, TermX replenishment system hosing is manufactured in a safety red colour with a 600 PSI rating.

ARILON Insecticide is now registered for use as a direct treatment for termites in wall cavities, as well as nests in fences posts, poles and trees. ARILON is a non-repellent water dispersible granule (WDG) that when mixed with water can be sprayed, dripped or foamed into termite workings and nests for termite control.