Abolish Pro Cockroach Gel
Access Herbicide
- Active Constituent(s): 240g/L Triclopyr present as the butoxyethyl ester; 120g/L Picloram present as the isooctyl ester
- Description:
For selectiove control of a wide range of woody and noxious weeds in commercial and industrial areas, public lands, fence lines and pastures, by basal bark and cut stump applications as specified in the Directions for Use
- SDS Expiry: 06/01/2026
- Associated Files:
Acelepryn GR Turf Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains: 2 g/kg CHLORANTRANILIPROLE
- Description:
GROUP 28 INSECTICIDE For the control of African Black Beetle, Argentine Stem Weevil, Argentinian Scarab, Billbugs and other insect pests in turf as per the Directions for Use
- SDS Expiry: 01/10/2026
- Associated Files:
Advion Fire Ant Bait
- Active Constituent(s): Contains: 0.5 g/kg Indoxacarb
- Description:
For the control of Fire Ants around buildings, gardens, grazing areas, lawns and public areas as per the Directions for Use
- SDS Expiry: 19/10/2026
- Associated Files:
AF Gluepad for Clothes Moth (Tineola Bisselliela)
AF Gluepad for Cockroaches & Crawling Insects
AF Gluepad for Ephestia/Plodia Moths
Agrisense Lo-Line Cockroach Trap
Aldi Alphachloralose
- Active Constituent(s): 990g/Kg Alphachloralose
- Description:
For use only in the control of pigeon (Columba livia) and sparrow (Passer domesticus and Passer montanus) as specified in the directions for use.
Please note that in NSW the Pesticides Control (Avicides Products) Order 2010 is in effect from 01/07/2010. A copy of this Pesticides Order can be obtained by clicking this link
- SDS Expiry: 01/03/2029
- Associated Files:
All Clear Spray Tank Cleaner & Decontaminator
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 100% Non Hazardous Ingedients
- Description:
All Clear is specially formulated to remove pesticide deposits and other debris, inlcuding oily substances from tanks, hoses, booms transfer and mixing systems, filters, screens and nozzles.
All Clear was developed to handle difficult to clean agricultural chemicals, including sulfonylurea herbicides, carfentrazone-eithyl and sticky formulations.
- SDS Expiry: 09/06/2028
- Associated Files:
Altriset Termiticide
- Active Constituent(s): 200g/L Chlorantriliprole
- Description:
For use in the management of Subterranean Termites as specified in the Direction of Use
Please note that the brochure listed below is the Technical (trade) brochure. Should you wish to download the consumer brochure, please click this link
- SDS Expiry: 02/08/2026
- Associated Files:
Amdro Ant Bait
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 7.3g/Kg Hydramethylnon
- Description:
Granular product for the control of Singapore ants (Monomorium destrutor), coastal brown ants (Pheidole megacephala) tropical fire ants or ginger ants only (Solenopsis germinata), red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) and greenhead ant (Rhytidoponera spp) as per the directions for use table.
- SDS Expiry: 10/08/2027
- Associated Files:
Amdro Cockroach Gel
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 20g/Kg Hydramethylnon
- Description:
For the control of cockroaches in residential and commercial areas, as per the directions for use table.
- SDS Expiry: 17/07/2026
- Associated Files:
Amistar 250 SC
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 250 g/L AZOXYSTROBIN
- Description:
For the control of various diseases of Almonds, Avocados, Beans, Brassicas, Citrus, Cucurbits, Grapes, Lettuce, Mangoes, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Passionfruit, Poppies and other crops
- SDS Expiry: 21/07/2026
- Associated Files:
ANTagonist PRO Residual Insecticide
Anthem Insecticide Granule
Aqua-K-Othrine Insecticide Space Spray Conc
Aquatain AMF Liquid Mosquito FIlm
Associate Herbicide
- Active Constituent(s): 600g/Kg Metsulfuron-methyl
- Description:
For control of certain brush and broadleaf species in native pastures, rights of way and commercial and industrial areas and for the control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereal crops, grass pastures and pasture renovation as per Directions for Use table.
- SDS Expiry: 31/08/2026
- Associated Files: