Abolish Pro Cockroach Gel
Access Herbicide
- Active Constituent(s): 240g/L Triclopyr present as the butoxyethyl ester; 120g/L Picloram present as the isooctyl ester
- Description:
For selectiove control of a wide range of woody and noxious weeds in commercial and industrial areas, public lands, fence lines and pastures, by basal bark and cut stump applications as specified in the Directions for Use
- SDS Expiry: 06/01/2026
- Associated Files:
Acelepryn GR Turf Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains: 2 g/kg CHLORANTRANILIPROLE
- Description:
GROUP 28 INSECTICIDE For the control of African Black Beetle, Argentine Stem Weevil, Argentinian Scarab, Billbugs and other insect pests in turf as per the Directions for Use
- SDS Expiry: 01/10/2026
- Associated Files:
Advion Fire Ant Bait
- Active Constituent(s): Contains: 0.5 g/kg Indoxacarb
- Description:
For the control of Fire Ants around buildings, gardens, grazing areas, lawns and public areas as per the Directions for Use
- SDS Expiry: 19/10/2026
- Associated Files:
AF Gluepad for Clothes Moth (Tineola Bisselliela)
AF Gluepad for Cockroaches & Crawling Insects
AF Gluepad for Ephestia/Plodia Moths
Agrisense Lo-Line Cockroach Trap
Aldi Alphachloralose
- Active Constituent(s): 990g/Kg Alphachloralose
- Description:
For use only in the control of pigeon (Columba livia) and sparrow (Passer domesticus and Passer montanus) as specified in the directions for use.
Please note that in NSW the Pesticides Control (Avicides Products) Order 2010 is in effect from 01/07/2010. A copy of this Pesticides Order can be obtained by clicking this link
- SDS Expiry: 01/03/2029
- Associated Files:
All Clear Spray Tank Cleaner & Decontaminator
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 100% Non Hazardous Ingedients
- Description:
All Clear is specially formulated to remove pesticide deposits and other debris, inlcuding oily substances from tanks, hoses, booms transfer and mixing systems, filters, screens and nozzles.
All Clear was developed to handle difficult to clean agricultural chemicals, including sulfonylurea herbicides, carfentrazone-eithyl and sticky formulations.
- SDS Expiry: 09/06/2028
- Associated Files:
Altriset Termiticide
- Active Constituent(s): 200g/L Chlorantriliprole
- Description:
For use in the management of Subterranean Termites as specified in the Direction of Use
Please note that the brochure listed below is the Technical (trade) brochure. Should you wish to download the consumer brochure, please click this link
- SDS Expiry: 02/08/2026
- Associated Files:
Amdro Ant Bait
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 7.3g/Kg Hydramethylnon
- Description:
Granular product for the control of Singapore ants (Monomorium destrutor), coastal brown ants (Pheidole megacephala) tropical fire ants or ginger ants only (Solenopsis germinata), red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) and greenhead ant (Rhytidoponera spp) as per the directions for use table.
- SDS Expiry: 10/08/2027
- Associated Files:
Amdro Cockroach Gel
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 20g/Kg Hydramethylnon
- Description:
For the control of cockroaches in residential and commercial areas, as per the directions for use table.
- SDS Expiry: 17/07/2026
- Associated Files:
Amistar 250 SC
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 250 g/L AZOXYSTROBIN
- Description:
For the control of various diseases of Almonds, Avocados, Beans, Brassicas, Citrus, Cucurbits, Grapes, Lettuce, Mangoes, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Passionfruit, Poppies and other crops
- SDS Expiry: 21/07/2026
- Associated Files:
ANTagonist PRO Residual Insecticide
Anthem Insecticide Granule
Aqua-K-Othrine Insecticide Space Spray Conc
Aquatain AMF Liquid Mosquito FIlm
Associate Herbicide
- Active Constituent(s): 600g/Kg Metsulfuron-methyl
- Description:
For control of certain brush and broadleaf species in native pastures, rights of way and commercial and industrial areas and for the control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereal crops, grass pastures and pasture renovation as per Directions for Use table.
- SDS Expiry: 31/08/2026
- Associated Files:
Basta Non-Selective Herbicide
Battleaxe PRO Professional Crack & Crevice Aerosol
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 20g/Kg Propoxur; 2g/Kg Tetramethrin; 10g/Kg Piperonyl Butoxide
- Description:
For the control of bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, spiders, flies and other insect pests as specified in the directions for use table.
- SDS Expiry: 20/07/2026
- Associated Files:
Bedlam Aerosol
- Active Constituent(s): Contains: 4 g/kg d-PHENOTHRIN
- Description:
For control of susceptible strains of bedbugs and other biting pests in hotels, motels, hospitals, nursing homes, offices, homes and other situations as specified in the Directions for Use table.
- SDS Expiry: 28/05/2026
- Associated Files:
Biflex Aqua Max
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 100g/L Bifenthrin
- Description:
For the control of a range of urban interior an exterior pests, for the protection of structures from subterranean termite damage and for the control of termites, as specified in the Directions for Use table.
- SDS Expiry: 31/08/2026
- Associated Files:
Biflex Ultra Lo Odour
- Active Constituent(s): Contains: 100 g/L Bifenthrin
- Description:
For the protection of structures from subterranean termite damage and for the control of termites and a range of other urban pests, as specified in the Directions for Use Table.
Note new AQIS Manufacturer's Declaration listed 16/02/2015
- SDS Expiry: 01/07/2026
- Associated Files:
Biforce 200SC Termiticide and Insecticide
Bio-Plus Biological Treatment
Biopren 4GR Mosquito Larvicide
Biopren 50 Liquid Mosquito Larvicide
BioStream Foamable HE
- Active Constituent(s): Active Constituent(s): Multi Bacillus spore & Surfactant Blend
- Description:
BioStream Foamable HE is a stable, multi-spore culture that provides superior degradation of various organic compounds including proteins, starches, carbohydrates, cellulose, urine, fats, oils, greases and other organic substances.
- SDS Expiry: 31/01/2026
- Associated Files:
Brigand Rodenticide Blocks
- Active Constituent(s): 0.05g/kg Brodifacoum
- Description:
Ready to use block bait for use in damp or dry situations in and around industrial, commercial, agricultural and domestic buildings to control rats and mice.
Note new AQIS Manufacturer's Declaration listed 02/09/2013
- SDS Expiry: 15/11/2025
- Associated Files:
- Active Constituent(s): Contains
280 g/L MCPA present as the iso-octyl ester
140 g/L BROMOXYNIL present as the octanoate ester
40 g/L DICAMBA present as the acid
- Description:
For the control of certain broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, cereal rye, oats, triticale and turf as per the Directions for Use Table.
- SDS Expiry: 06/02/2028
- Associated Files:
Bromicide MA
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 200 g/L BROMOXYNIL present as thenoctanoyl ester
200 g/L MCPA present as the ethyl hexyl ester
- Description:
For the control of weeds in wheat, oats, barley, cereal rye, triticale, linseed, grass pastures and turf as per the Directions For Use table.
- SDS Expiry: 31/03/2026
- Associated Files:
Bugmaster 500 SC
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 500 g/L CARBARYL (an anti-cholinesterase compound)
- Description:
For the control of certain insects in fruit, nuts, vegetables, crops and pastures; and for certain other uses as specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table.
- SDS Expiry: 07/12/2026
- Associated Files:
Catchmaster Glue Products
Chaindrite Extra Strength Insect Spray
Cobra Universal Glue Boards
Contrac Soft Bait
- Active Constituent(s): 0.05g/kg Bromadiolone
Contains Denatonium Benzoate (Bittering Agent)
- Description:
Highly palatable soft bait for the control of rats and mice including those resistant to other anticoagulants, in and around domestic, commercial, public services and industrial buildings.
- SDS Expiry: 30/04/2026
- Associated Files:
Country Bifenthrin 100 Low Odour Termiticide and Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): 100g/L Bifenthrin
- Description:
For the protection of structures from subterranean termite damage and for the control of thermites and a range of other urban pests, as specified in the Directions for Use Table
Note new AQIS Manufacturer's Declaration listed 16/09/2012
- SDS Expiry: 10/05/2026
- Associated Files:
Country Bifenthrin 100 SC Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 100g/L Bifenthrin
- Description:
For the control a a range of urban interior and exterior pests, for the control of mosquitoes, biting midges and flies by forming Residual Surface Treatments on a range of urban interior and exterior situations, for protection of structures from subterranean termite damage and for the control of termites, as specified in the Directions for Use Table.
Note new AQIS Manufacturer's Declaration listed 03/08/2011
- SDS Expiry: 01/06/2026
- Associated Files:
Country Bifenthrin Sand Granules
Country Deltra Residual Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 10g/L Deltamethrin, 10g/L D-Tetramethrin 20:80, 80g/L Piperonyl Butoxide
- Description:
For the control of a wide range of insect pests in various situations, as per the product label.
- SDS Expiry: 01/06/2026
- Associated Files:
Country Dicamba M Selective Herbicide
Country Fipronil 100
- Active Constituent(s): 100g/L Fipronil
- Description:
For the protection of structures from subterranean termite damage and for the control of subterranean termites and ants around domestic and commercial structures as specified in the Directions for Use table.
Please note that this is a RESTRICTED CHEMICAL PRODUCT
- SDS Expiry: 01/06/2026
- Associated Files:
Country Glyphosate 360
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 360g/L Glyphosate present as the Isopropylamine Salt
- Description:
Non-selective herbicide for the control of manu annula, aquatic and perennial weeds in industrial and home garden situations as specified in the directions for use table.
Note: This product is Frog Friendly
- SDS Expiry: 10/06/2026
- Associated Files:
Country Imidacloprid 200 SC
Country Permethrin Dust
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 10g/Kg Permethrin 25:75
- Description:
For the control of cokroaches, ants, fleas, termites, European wasps and other insect as specified in the directions for use table.
- SDS Expiry: 10/06/2026
- Associated Files:
Crown 225SL Systemic Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 770 g/L nC24 PARAFFINIC OIL (AS 1888-1976) UNSULPHONATED RESIDUE NOT LESS THAN 92.0%
- Description:
An emulsifiable, narrow range, paraffinic spray oil for the control of various pests of Citrus, Bananas, and other crops as specified in the Directions for Use table. Also for use in combination with other pesticides as specified on the Directions for Use table.
- SDS Expiry: 30/06/2028
- Associated Files:
D-Ter Animal & Bird Repellent
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 997.3g/Kg Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate; 1.5g/Kg Sucrose Octa-Acetate; 0.1g/Kh Denatonium Benzoate
- Description:
To repel birds and animals including dogs, cats, parrots, possums and rodents as indicated in the directions for use table.
- SDS Expiry: 21/04/2028
- Associated Files:
- Active Constituent(s):
- Description:
- SDS Expiry: 01/03/2026
- Associated Files:
Demand 100CS
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 100 g/L LAMBDA-CYHALOTHRIN
- Description:
A residual surface treatment for the control of various insect pests Ants, Cockroaches, Fleas, Flies, Mosquitoes, Silverfish and Spiders in commercial, domestic, industrial and public situations
- SDS Expiry: 22/04/2026
- Associated Files:
Demand CS
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 25g/L Lambda-Cyhalothrin
- Description:
A residual surface treatment for the control of various insect pests Ants, Cockroaches, Fleas, Flies, Mosquitoes, Silverfish and Spiders in commercial, domestic, commercial, industrial and public situations, as per Directions for Use
- SDS Expiry: 07/10/2026
- Associated Files:
Demand Duo
- Active Constituent(s): 38 g/L Lamda-cyhalothrin + 125 g/L Thiamethoxam
- Description:
DEMAND DUO is a general pest spray that controls a wide range of pests, simply and effectively. The unique ZC formulation combines a suspension concentrate (SC) of Thiamethoxam and capsule suspension (CS) of Lambda Cyhalothrin. The two actives deliver fast knockdown and long residual control of ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, flies, fleas, paper nest wasps, millipedes, spiders and silverfish. This versatile product can be used indoors and outdoors and on porous or non-porous surfaces. DEMAND DUO has a convenient single water rate of 5 L per 100m2 for all uses and a low-odor, non-staining formulation making it easy-to-use.
- SDS Expiry: 12/10/2026
- Associated Files:
Demi-Diamond Fruit Fly Glue Pad
Detex Blox
- Active Constituent(s): Contains No Toxic Ingredients
- Description:
A non-toxic, food based food block for the montoring of pest rodent populations.
Click here to download the Detex Blox "No Allergins" statement
- SDS Expiry: 30/04/2026
- Associated Files:
Doxem Clear Ant & Cockroach Gel
Fendona Plus 60SC Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): 60g/L Alpha-Cypermethrin
- Description:
A residual insecticide for control of ants, cockroaches, silverfish, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs, meal moths and spiders in domestic, industrial, commercial, and public health situations.
- SDS Expiry: 05/03/2027
- Associated Files:
Fendona Pressurised Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): 0.5g/Kg Alpha-Cypermethrin
- Description:
A fast-knockdown, residual insecticide for the control of ants, cockroaches, silverfish, spiders, fleas, Indian meal moth, red flour beetle, bed bugs, flies and mosquitoes in and around domestic, industrial, commercial, public health and agricultural buildings except where animals are housed.
- SDS Expiry: 17/07/2026
- Associated Files:
Ficam W
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 800g/Kg Bendiocarb
- Description:
A dispersable powder residual spray for the control of a wide range of insect pests in and around domestic, industrial, commercial and public service buildings, and in other situations as specified in the directions for use table.
- SDS Expiry: 30/04/2028
- Associated Files:
FoliMAX Launcher 8-10-5 + Kelp
- Active Constituent(s):
- Description:
FoliMAX Launcher is a liquid nutrition and biostimulant package formulated specifically to fulfil essential plant requirements during the establishment and grow-in phase. A high phosphorous NPK ratio and the addition of kelp provide the plant with the required building blocks for healthy and vigorous establishment and stress, or injury recovery.
- SDS Expiry: 31/05/2026
- Associated Files:
Fury 120SC
- Active Constituent(s): 80g/L Bifenthrin, 40g/L Alpha Cypermethrin
- Description:
For knockdown and residual control of a wide range of internal pests including ants, clothes moths, cockroaches, flies, fleas, silverfish and bedbugs and external pests including ants, biting midges, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, papernest wasps and spiders
- SDS Expiry: 31/08/2026
- Associated Files:
Garrards Fly Catcher Bait
Garrards Pre-Con 10 Spray Adhesive
Garrards PY150 Metered Aerosol
Garrards Pyrethrin Drift Insecticide
Generation Block
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 0.025g/Kg Difethialone
- Description:
Ready to use bait for the control of rats and mice including those resistant to other anticoagulants. For use in agricultural, domestic, commercial, public services and industrial buildings.
- SDS Expiry: 31/05/2026
- Associated Files:
Goliath Cockroach Gel
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 0.5g/Kg Fipronil
- Description:
A crevice, crack or spot treatment for the control of cockroaches in situations as specified in the directions for use table.
- SDS Expiry: 18/06/2026
- Associated Files:
Headway MAXX Turf Fungicide
HomeGuard Blue Termite Moisture Barrier
HomeGuard Collars / Flexicollars
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 1g/Kg Bifenthrin
- Description:
Termite protection for pre-construction use in buildings and other structures. Flexible penetration collars for the protection of service penetrations from concealed termite entry
- SDS Expiry: 01/07/2025
- Associated Files:
HomeGuard DPC Termite Moisture Barrier
Homeguard GT Granular Termiticide
Homeguard PB Termite Moisture Barrier
HomeGuard TMB Termite Moisture Barrier
Imperator SG
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 135g/Kg Permethrin 25:75; 127g/Kg Potassium Chlorate
- Description:
Smoke Generator for the control of ants, flies, fleas, silverfish, American and German Cockroaches, weevils, spiders, caterpillars and aphids in situations as specified in the directions for use table.
- SDS Expiry: 30/11/2026
- Associated Files:
Initiator Systemic Plant Insecticide and Fertiliser
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 200 g/kg IMIDACLOPRID
- Description:
For use in the protection against insect damage and to provide enhanced growth in eucalyptus trees, roses, azaleas, lillypillies, palms and magnolias.
- SDS Expiry: 12/04/2026
- Associated Files:
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 2g/L Pyrethrins; 5g/L Piperonyl Butoxide
- Description:
Ready to use product for the control of flying and crawling insects including cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, moths, silverfish, fleas and ants.
- SDS Expiry: 27/05/2026
- Associated Files:
InVade Biodrain
- Active Constituent(s): Contains Bacillus spp. and citrus oil
- Description:
Invade Bio Cleaner designed to provide exceptional performance over a wide range of organic waste-related applications, including drain line and grease trap treatment, hard surface cleaning and deodorizing, septic and waste treatment, and carpet and fabric care.
- SDS Expiry: 18/05/2026
- Associated Files:
InVade Biofoam
- Active Constituent(s): Contains foaming agents, microbes and citrus.
- Description:
InVade Bio Foam is the single most effective product for eliminating scum, odors and organic build up in commercial kitchens. Its super-concentrated foaming formula contains a blend of premium natural microbes and citrus oil for eliminating scum, odors and organic build up.
- SDS Expiry: 18/05/2026
- Associated Files:
Kamba 750
- Active Constituent(s): 750g/L DICAMBA present as dimethylamine and monomethylamine salts
- Description:
For the control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, pastures (including plantain pastures), conservation tillage, sugar cane, turf, rice and non-crop areas.
- SDS Expiry: 28/02/2027
- Associated Files:
Killmaster Zero
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 186 g/kg Dichlorvos (An Anticholinesterase Compound)
- Description:
Killmaster Zero Pest Strips provide continuous protection from cockroaches, moths, silverfish, ants, files and other insects for up to 4 months.
- SDS Expiry: 31/03/2026
- Associated Files:
Kordon TMB & TB
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 1g/sq.m Deltamethrin
- Description:
A blanket for installation under buildings during construction to prevent subterranean termite attack. The inner layer is impregnated with Deltamethrin.
Note: Kordon is only to be installed by Accredited Installers
Please note that the Kordon Manual listed at right is the partial manual, less drawings etc. The full manual can be downloaded by clicking this link . Note that the file is 8.5Mb.
- SDS Expiry: 31/05/2026
- Associated Files:
Lambda Plus Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 50 g/L LAMBDA-CYHALOTHRIN
- Description:
A residual surface treatment for the control of various insect pests – ants, cockroaches, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, silverfish and spiders in commercial, domestic, industrial and public situations
- SDS Expiry: 22/03/2026
- Associated Files:
Lontrel Advanced Herbicide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 600 g/L CLOPYRALID present as the dimethylamine salt.
- Description:
For control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, canola, pastures, fallow land, forests and industrial situations as specified in the Directions for Use.
- SDS Expiry: 14/09/2026
- Associated Files:
- Active Constituent(s): Contains: 500 g/L CHLORPYRIFOS (an antichollinesterase compund)
- Description:
For control of certain insect pests of fruit, vegetables, field crops, pasture and other situations as specified in the Directions For Use.
- SDS Expiry: 06/01/2026
- Associated Files:
Maki Block Weatherproof Rodenticide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 0.05g/Kg Bromadiolone
- Description:
Weather-proof bait for the control of rats and mice, including those resistant to other coagulants. For use in and around domestic, commercial, public services and industrial buildings.
- SDS Expiry: 01/05/2026
- Associated Files:
Maki Block Wrapped Weather Proof Rodenticide
- Active Constituent(s): 0.05g/Kg Bromadiolone
- Description:
Weather-proof bait for the control of rats and mice, including those resistant to other anticoagulants. For use in and around domestic, commerciall, public services and industrial buildings
- SDS Expiry: 20/05/2026
- Associated Files:
Maki Wrapped
- Active Constituent(s):
- Description:
Monitoring bate for use in and around agricultural, domestic, commercial, public services and industrial buildings.
- SDS Expiry: 24/05/2026
- Associated Files:
Mako Residual Herbicide
- Active Constituent(s): Active Constituent: 750g/kg Sulfometuron Methyl
- Description:
For the control of certain annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in commercial and industrial areas: around agricultural buildings, rights of way, and for Pre and Post Planting E. globulus, E. nitens and P. radiata plantations Mako® is a soil residual herbicide with some knockdown action. It controls susceptible weeds through both post-emergence and pre-emergence (residual) action. Mako® may be applied pre-emergence or post emergence to the weeds; best results are obtained if application is made before or during the early stages of weed growth. Adequate soil moisture is required for Mako® to be activated so it can provide optimum weed control. Under limited rainfall conditions, Mako® may not provide satisfactory control of hard-to-kill annuals and perennial weeds. The higher use rates give longer term residual control. The degree of control and duration of effect will vary with the rate of application, soil texture, organic matter content, soil pH, rainfall and other environmental conditions. As soil pH increases the rate of Mako® breakdown decreases so that longest term residual control is obtained on alkaline soils. As soil moisture increases the rate of Mako® breakdown decreases, so that longest term residual control is obtained when rainfall is low.
- SDS Expiry: 31/08/2025
- Associated Files:
Maxforce Gold Cockroach Gel
Maxforce Quantum Liquid Ant Bait
MaxumPRO 125 SC Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): 125 g/L BETACYFLUTHRIN
- Description:
For the control of cockroaches, spiders, ants, fleas, flies, silverfish, bed bugs, mosquitoes, clothes moths, carpet beetles, stored product pests and litter beetles in the situations specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE
- SDS Expiry: 20/07/2026
- Associated Files:
- Active Constituent(s):
- Description:
- SDS Expiry: 31/10/2026
- Associated Files:
No-Moz Mosquito Larvicide
Odour Bags by Earth Care
- Active Constituent(s): Sodium aluminosilicate, a natural mineral
- Description:
Earth Care Products are negatively charged and odiferous gasses ride on positively charged particles. Because of this negative and positive attraction Earth Care draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed and neutralized without any cover ups or fragrances. The molecular structure of Earth Care consists of billions of microscopic pores, which gives it a large surface area (exceeding the size of a football field). This enables Earth Care to adsorb phenomenal amounts of odor
- SDS Expiry: 01/01/2027
- Associated Files:
Odour Clear Gel
- Active Constituent(s):
- Description:
The Fresh Wave IAQ Gel is completely non-toxic and has a continuous release formulation that works round-the-clock to provide constant odour elimination day or night. Ideal for combating persistent odour problems, simply place Fresh Wave IAQ into a shallow pan and let the natural airflow do the rest.
- SDS Expiry: 29/06/2025
- Associated Files:
Outdoor Fogger With Citronella
- Active Constituent(s): 3.5g/Kg Tetramethrin, 2.0g/Kg Permethrin 25:75, 15.0g/Kg Piperonyl Butoxide, 6.0g/Kg Citronella
- Description:
To control mosquitoes, moths, flies and midges in outdoor living areas, porches, patios and picnic sites.
- SDS Expiry: 15/11/2026
- Associated Files:
Perigen Defence Residual Insecticide
PestWest Glue Boards
- Active Constituent(s): Synthetic polymers of petrochemical origin, mineral oil and UV filters
- Description:
Used inside UV fly killer units in order to monitor and capture flying insects such as flies, mosquitoes, wasps, bugs, noctuidae, moths, anobiids etc
- SDS Expiry: 01/07/2025
- Associated Files:
Phantom Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): 240g/L Chlorfenapyr
- Description:
For the control of cockroaches, ants, bed bugs, silverfish, spiders, saw-toothed grain beetles and confused flour beetles in various situations as specified in the Directions for Use Table in the attached booklet.
To be used by only by Licenced Pest Control Operators
- SDS Expiry: 12/07/2025
- Associated Files:
Polesaver Rods & Bioguard
Pro Foam Platinum
- Active Constituent(s): 60%Sodium Decyl Sulfate, Sodium Lauroampho acetate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 40% spray adjuvants
- Description:
A unique blend of foaming agents offering treatment capabilities by transporting all types of products to remote areas. Such as: wall voids, tunnels, ground voids and other voids needing complete treatment of all vertical and horizontal surfaces.
- SDS Expiry: 01/01/2028
- Associated Files:
- Active Constituent(s): Contains: 900 g/L ETHEPHON
(an anticholinesterase compound)
- Description:
For anti-lodging in barley or crop thinning, loosening or ripening in various crops and for accelerating boll opening, defoliation and pre-conditioning before defoliation of cotton as specified in the Directions for Use table
- SDS Expiry: 01/06/2028
- Associated Files:
PY Insecticide Fog
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 4g/L Pyrethrins, 12g/L Piperonyl Butoxide
- Description:
Pest Controlled : Flies, Fleas, Mosquitoes, Ants, Silverfish, Moths, Cockroach, Grain Weevils, Spiders, Earwigs, Beetles, Other Flying Insects
Situation : Domestic, Public Areas, Farm And Factories
- SDS Expiry: 04/04/2028
- Associated Files:
Quench Pro Liquid Ant Bait
QuickBayt Spray Fly Bait
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 100 g/kg Imidacloprid
1.0 g/kg (Z)-9-Tricosene
- Description:
A water dispersible granule formulation to be mixed with water and used as a spray bait formulation for the control of adult houseflies and lesser houseflies (including organophosphate resistant strains) in commercial, industrial and domestic areas, as per the directions for use. Will visibly kill flies for 4 weeks
- SDS Expiry: 18/05/2025
- Associated Files:
QuickPhos Fumigation Bags
Quickphos Fumigation Tablets
rega Cockroach Monitor Board
rega Slim Cockroach Monitoring Trap
- Active Constituent(s):
- Description:
Contains nature identical food flavours found to be attractive to cockroaches of many different species.
Cockroach attractant and containment trap fpr the purpose of monitoring cockroach populations and infestations.
- SDS Expiry: 15/06/2026
- Associated Files:
Resolv No Wax Soft Bait
- Active Constituent(s): 0.05g/Kg Bromadiolone
- Description:
Highly palatable soft bait for the control of rats and mice including those resistant to other anticoagulants. For use In and around agricultural, commercial, domestic and industrial situations and drains. One feed kills rats and mice
- SDS Expiry: 01/05/2026
- Associated Files:
Roban Rodenticide Blocks
- Active Constituent(s): 0.05g/Kg Difenacoum
- Description:
READY TO USE BAIT FOR THE CONTROL OF BROWN OR NORWAY RATS (Rattus norvegicus) AND MICE, including those resistant to other anticoagulants. FOR USE IN DAMP OR DRY SITUATIONS, in and around buildings, including industrial, commercial, agricultural, public services and domestic structures.
- SDS Expiry: 15/11/2025
- Associated Files:
Rodilon Professional Rodenticide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 0.025g/Kg Difethialone
- Description:
A palatable, soft block bait for use in the management of rat and mouse infestations.
Note new AQIS Manufacturer's Declaration listed 10/10/2011
- SDS Expiry: 16/09/2027
- Associated Files:
Roundup Biactive Herbicide
Russell IPM Xlure Combo 4
Russell Wasp & Fly Attractant
Russell XLure MST Trap & Cartridge
SAS Pro Granule Ant Killer
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 5g/kg 4-Aminopyridine
- Description:
For the control of pigeons, sparrows, starlings and other exotic bird species, as per the directions for use table.
Please note that in NSW the Pesticides Control (Avicides Products) Order 2010 is in effect from 01/07/2010. A copy of this Pesticides Order can be obtained by clicking this link
- SDS Expiry: 31/10/2028
- Associated Files:
Seclira Pressurised Fly Bait
Seclira Pressurised Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): 5g/Kg Dinotefuran (propellant = Dimethyl ether, Carbon dioxide)
- Description:
For the control of ants, cockroaches, fleas, bed bugs, flies, mosquitoes, pill bugs, house crickets and spiders in domestic, industrial and public health situations.
- SDS Expiry: 01/03/2028
- Associated Files:
Selontra Soft Bait Rodenticide
- Active Constituent(s): 0.75 g/kg Colecalciferol
- Description:
For the control of rats and mice along perimeter fence lines and in and around industrial, commercial, agricultural and domestic buildings. Controls rats and mice resistant to anticoagulants. This product must only be used within lockable tamper resistant bait stations.
- SDS Expiry: 28/01/2027
- Associated Files:
Sempra Herbicide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 750g/Kg Halsulfuron-methyl
- Description:
For the control of Nutgrass and Mullumbimby Couch in turf, cotton, sorghum, maize and sugarcane, as per the directions for use table.
- SDS Expiry: 30/05/2025
- Associated Files:
Sentricon AG Termite Bait
Sentricon IG Termite Bait
Sentricon IG Termiticide Rod
Slugout All Weather Snail Bait
- Active Constituent(s): 18g/Kg Metaldehyde
- Description:
For the control of slugs and snails in gardens, fruit and vegetable crops, winter cereals, oilseeds (including poppies), pulses and pastures.
- SDS Expiry: 01/07/2027
- Associated Files:
Soilmax Liberate
- Active Constituent(s):
- Description:
Soilmax Liberate is a unique, low pH soil conditioner, used to unlock soil nutrients such as calcium & magnesium, made unavailable by high bicarbonate irrigation waters.
- SDS Expiry: 24/01/2028
- Associated Files:
Spraymate Tank & Equipment Cleaner
Starane Advanced
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 333 g/L Fluroxypyr
- Description:
For the control of a wide range of Broadleaf weeds in Fallow, Lucerne, Maize, Millets, Pastures, Poppies, Sorghum, Sugar cane, Sweet corn, Winter cereals. Also for the control of Woody Weeds in Agricultural Non-Crop Areas, Commercial and Industrial Areas, Forests, Pastures and Rights-of-Way, as specified in the Directions for Use.
- SDS Expiry: 15/09/2026
- Associated Files:
Starycide Insect Growth Regulator
Storm Secure Wax Block Rodenticide
Sumilarv Granular Insect Growth Regulator
- Active Constituent(s): 5g/Kg Pyriproxifen
- Description:
A slow release granular for the control of mosquitoes, midges and drain and latrine flies in non-natural water sources such as potable water tanks, household water containers and other areas that these insects breed.
- SDS Expiry: 16/06/2026
- Associated Files:
Sumilarv Insect Growth Regulator
- Active Constituent(s): 20g/L Pyriproxifen
- Description:
For use with an adulticide to control cockroaches and fleas in domestic, industrial and plubilc health situations as per the directions for use table. Breaks the breeding cycle.
- SDS Expiry: 31/05/2026
- Associated Files:
Supa Turf Iron
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 9% Fe
- Description:
An economical fast acting complexed iron for rapid greening and correction of iron deficiencies in turf.
- SDS Expiry: 19/01/2029
- Associated Files:
Suspend Flexx Insecticide
Talon GT Pro Rodenticide Grain Block
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 0.05 g/kg Brodifacoum
- Description:
Ready to use block bait for use in and around industrial, commercial, public services, agricultural and domestic buildings Controls rodents resistant to other anticoagulants, including warfarin, coumatetralyl and bromadiolone ONE FEED KILLS RATS AND MICE
- SDS Expiry: 02/08/2028
- Associated Files:
Talon Rodenticide Wax Blocks
- Active Constituent(s): 0.05g/Kg Brodifacoum
- Description:
Ready to use block bait for use in damp or dry situations in and around industrial, commercial, public services, agricultural and domestic buildings. Controls rodents resistant to warfarin, coumatetralyl and bromadiolone
- SDS Expiry: 12/09/2026
- Associated Files:
Talon XT Pro Rodenticide Blocks
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 0.05g/Kg Brodifacoum
- Description:
Ready to use block bait for use in damp or dry situations in and around industrial, commercial, public services, agricultural and domestic buildings. Controls rodents resistant to other anticoagulants, including warfarin, coumatetralyl and bromadiolone.
- SDS Expiry: 05/10/2026
- Associated Files:
Taser Pro 800 WP Insecticide
Temprid 75 Residual Insecticide
Termidor Foam Termiticide & Insecticide
Termidor HE Residual Insecticide
- Active Constituent(s): 96g/L Fipronil
- Description:
For the protection of structures from subterranean termite damage and for the control of subterranean termites around domestic and commercial structures as specified in the Directions for Use Table.
- SDS Expiry: 08/09/2028
- Associated Files:
Termidor Residual Termiticide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 100g/L Fipronil
- Description:
For the protection of structures from subterranean termite damage and for the control of subterranean termites, ants, domestic cockroaches, earwigs, houseflies, web-spinning spiders, daddy-long-leg spiders, millipedes, pill bugs and house crickets around domestic and commercial structures as specified in the Directions for Use Table.
- SDS Expiry: 12/04/2028
- Associated Files:
Tordon Regrowth Master Herbicide
Trapper Glue Boards
- Active Constituent(s): Contains no toxic ingredients
- Description:
Data Sheet covers the actual glue contained in Bell's Products: Trapper Rat, Trapper Mouse, Trapper LTD, Trapper Mouse Pro and Trapper Monitor.
Check glue trap availability and legality with your local authorities
- SDS Expiry: 01/04/2026
- Associated Files:
Trelona ATBS
- Active Constituent(s): Novaluron
- Description:
BASF’s new Advance® Termite Bait System (ATBS) with Trelona® Termite Bait sets a new benchmark in termite baiting for the Australian market. Powered by a novel active ingredient ‘Novaluron’, Trelona requires much less bait for complete colony elimination to be achieved when compared to other termite baits.
Trelona ATBS gives pest management professionals the freedom to offer their customers a traditional monitoring system or a ‘Active on Application’ system.
Trelona ATBS may also be used in combination with BASFs industry leading termiticides, Termidor® Residual Termiticide and Insecticide and Termidor® HE Residual Termiticide so a management system can be tailored for any situation.
As an ‘Active on Application’ system, Trelona ATBS allows pest professionals to extend out their inspection frequencies whilst providing year-round protection from installation.
The unique ATBS station holds up to 248 grams of bait and has been designed to encourage termite interception and quick feeding. This provides pest professionals with the peace of mind that their clients most valuable asset is being protected.
Trelona ATBS and Termidor brands are supported by BASF, the leaders in termite control since the launch of Termidor in 2002.
This product is intended for use in an ongoing program of management and control of subterranean termite colonies in the ground around and under any type of building or other structure. Trelona may be used as part as a traditional monitoring and baiting program or may be installed immediately with installation of Advance Termite Bait System (ATBS) stations to provide active system on application (Active on Application)
- SDS Expiry: 08/09/2028
- Associated Files:
Tribute Selective Turf Herbicide
Turf Mark Blue Dye
- Active Constituent(s): Blue dye
- Description:
- SDS Expiry: 01/04/2025
- Associated Files:
Twilight ULV Mosquito Adulticide Concentrate
- Active Constituent(s): 89g/L Pip But, 89g/L Phenothrin,689g/L Hydrocarbon
- Description:
For outdoor control of mosquitoes in residential areas, picnic areas, sports grounds, recreation areas, golf courses and for use in mosquito eradication campaigns.
- SDS Expiry: 14/10/2026
- Associated Files:
Uragan WG Herbicide
- Active Constituent(s): Contains Bromacil 800 g/kg
- Description:
For the control of certain annual broadleaved weeds and grasses in Citrus, Pineapples, Asparagus and in Commercial and Industrial Areas, Rights of Way and around Agricultural Buildings.
- SDS Expiry: 01/07/2026
- Associated Files:
Uses III
- Active Constituent(s):
- Description:
"3 in 1" - Floral scented sanitising disinfectant, cleaner and deodorant.
Dilute up to 1:120 for light cleaning, 1:20 for heavy duty cleaning.
For use on floors, walls, bench tops, chairs, toilets, shower recesses.
- SDS Expiry: 04/02/2026
- Associated Files:
Venom Professional 240SC Insecticide
Verdict 520
- Active Constituent(s): Contains 520 g/L HALOXYFOP present as the haloxyfop-R methyl ester
- Description:
For the post-emergent control of a wide range of annual and perennial grass weeds in grain legume and oilseed crops, lucerne, summer fallow, medic and clover pasture and seed crops, forestry, bananas, citrus, grapes, pineapples, pome and stone fruit, pyrethrum, tropical fruit and nut crops as specified in the Directions For Use
- SDS Expiry: 30/09/2026
- Associated Files:
Vespex European Wasp Lure
Waspjet Pro Wasp Pesticide
Weedmaster Duo (Dual Salt Technology Herbicide)