Taurus Dry is your go-to solution for effective termite control. This revolutionary product ensures you can combat these pests with precision and ease.


Why Choose Taurus Dry?

Highly Effective: Taurus Dry is designed to deliver maximum impact on termites. Its powerful formulation ensures termites are dealt with swiftly and efficiently.

Convenient Application: With Taurus Dry, there's no need for extensive preparation or cleanup. It’s an ideal choice for those seeking a hassle-free solution.

Precision Delivery: Taurus Dry can be easily applied using the PDS Application Gun, sold separately. This specialised tool allows you to deliver the bait precisely into cracks, crevices, and other hard-to-reach areas, ensuring thorough coverage and effectiveness.



Advanced Formulation: Taurus Dry’s active ingredients are scientifically proven to eradicate termites, giving you peace of mind.

Easy to Use: Simply apply Taurus Dry where it's needed most. Whether you're targeting wall voids, crawl spaces, or other hidden areas, the PDS Application Gun makes the process straightforward.

Non-Invasive: Unlike some treatments that require drilling or extensive work, Taurus Dry offers a minimally invasive solution. Just a few targeted applications can make a significant difference.


For best results, pair Taurus Dry with the PDS Application Gun. This tool is specifically designed to ensure the bait is delivered accurately and effectively. It’s a professional tool made for Pest Management Professionals, making termite control simpler and more effective.


PDS Application Gun:


Equip yourself with Taurus Dry and the PDS Application Gun to tackle infestations head-on.

Visit your local Garrards Branch or shop online to purchase the best termite control solutions available.