Introducing Doxem Clear Gel, the only gel on the market that effectively eliminates ants and cockroaches with a powerful, clear, non-staining formulation. Perfect for use in any climate, whether hot or cold, Doxem Clear Gel remains palatable without hardening or crusting, ensuring long-lasting effectiveness.


Engineered to withstand extreme temperatures, Doxem Clear Gel is a professional-grade product only available to Pest Management Professionals (PMP), making it the go-to choice for pest management experts.

Available in convenient 30g syringes or 5g tubes, it's easy to apply with precision in both small and large infestations.


Why Choose Doxem Clear Gel?

  • Indoxacarb Formulation: Trusted by professionals for unbeatable results.
  • Versatile in All Climates: Performs flawlessly in both hot and cold weather.
  • Long-Lasting Palatability: Stays effective without hardening or becoming crusty.
  • Clear and Non-Staining: Perfect for discreet application in any environment.


Upgrade your pest management arsenal with Doxem Clear Gel and experience the difference that professional-grade quality makes.

Order now from your local Garrards branch.