Latest Products

The latest product articles from Garrards are listed below:

iconIntroducing the Protecta Evo Ambush - the most advanced low-profile bait station from Bell Laboratories.


iconThe Projahn 4x4 Zentro+ hammer drill bit was put under the 'hammer' at Garrards.  We put it up against the main selling bit, which one bores the best hole?


iconTemprid ® 75 Residual Insecticide

A residual insecticide concentrate for use in the management of ants, cockroaches, spiders, fleas and bedbugs (including pyrethroid-resistant strains) in various domestic, commercial, industrial and public buildings and facilities as per the Directions for Use.

Maki Wrapped Rodenticide Blocks are individually packaged. The bait stays fresh for longer and the block is better protected, making it less crumbly.